IFOM Francesco Ferrari Lab

Francesco Ferrari Lab


Francesco Ferrari

Francesco Ferrari joined IFOM in 2015 and here he coordinates a new research group focusing on computational genomics.
Francesco Ferrari graduated in Medical Biotechnology at the University of Modena in 2004, with a thesis on microarray-based gene expression profiling of melanocytes from melanoma patients in the laboratory of prof. Enrico Tagliafico. read more

Contact the researcher

Computational genomics

Our research group name "computational genomics" reflects our area of technical expertise in computational biology and genomics, but our research interests and biological expertise are focused on chromatin three-dimensional (3D) architecture. The 3D organization of chromatin within the cell nucleus is crucial for regulating genome functionality. The knowledge of its role has greatly advanced over the few years thanks to the development of novel imaging, molecular biology, computational data analysis and modelling techniques. read more

Laboratory location: Milan, Italy

Recent publications

  1. Federica Lucini, Cristiano Petrini, Elisa Salviato, Koustav Pal, Valentina Rosti, Francesca Gorini, Philina Santarelli, Roberto Quadri, Giovanni Lembo, Giulia Graziano, Emanuele Di Patrizio Soldateschi, Ilario Tagliaferri, Eva Pinatel, Endre Sebestyén, Luca Rotta, Francesco Gentile, Valentina Vaira, Chiara Lanzuolo*, Francesco Ferrari*.
    Biochemical properties of chromatin domains define genome compartmentalization.
    Nucleic Acids Research 2024 - IN PRESS
    (* co-corresponding/co-last authors)
  2. Judith Mary Hariprakash, Elisa Salviato, Federica La Mastra, Endre Sebestyén, Ilario Tagliaferri, Raquel Sofia Silva, Federica Lucini, Lorenzo Farina, Mario Cinquanta, Ilaria Rancati, Mirko Riboni, Simone Minardi, Luca Roz, Francesca Gorini, Chiara Lanzuolo, Stefano Casola, Francesco Ferrari.
    Leveraging tissue-specific enhancer-target gene regulatory networks identifies enhancer somatic mutations that functionally impact lung cancer.
    Cancer Research 2024 Jan 2;84(1):133-153.
  3. Salviato E*, Djordjilović V, Hariprakash JM, Tagliaferri I, Pal K, Ferrari F*.
    Leveraging three-dimensional chromatin architecture for effective reconstruction of enhancer-target gene regulatory interactions.
    Nucleic Acids Research 2021 Sep 27;49(17):e97.
    (* co-corresponding authors)
  4. Pal K* and Ferrari F*.
    Visualising and annotating Hi-C data. Book chapter for "Hi-C data analysis: methods and protocols" volume of the Methods in Molecular Biology book series by Springer.
    (* co-corresponding authors)
  5. Sebestyén E, Marullo F, Lucini F, Petrini C, Bianchi A, Valsoni S, Olivieri I, Antonelli L, Gregoretti F, Oliva G, Ferrari F*, Lanzuolo C*.
    SAMMY-seq reveals early alteration of heterochromatin and deregulation of bivalent genes in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome.
    Nature Communications 2020 Dec 8;11(1):6274.
    (* co-corresponding/co-last authors)
  6. Pal K, Forcato M, Jost D, Sexton T, Vaillant C, Salviato E, Mazza EMC, Lugli E, Cavalli G, Ferrari F.
    Global chromatin conformation differences in the Drosophila dosage compensated chromosome X.
    Nature Communications 2019 Nov 25;10(1):5355.

Group members

Staff Scientist
Lucini Federica
Post doc
Raquel Sofia Silva
Phd Students
Giulia Graziano
Giovanni Lembo
Pre-doctoral research fellow
Claudia Elenza Zoe Germiniani
Master students
Eliza Kotridou
Atieh Aghajani
Elisa Salviato - postdoc
Judith Mary Hariprakash - PhD student
Cristiano Petrini - PhD student
Koustav Pal - PhD student
Endre Sebestyén - postdoc
Carmen Maria Livi - postdoc

(update:May 2024)
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