Technician in Flow Cytometry Facility

2024/10 Milan

IFOM is an internationally recognized non-profit cancer research institute supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) based in Milan within a highly dynamic urban environment

IFOM continuous success is ensured by the recruitment of highly selected undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate researchers from over 24 countries worldwide.

IFOM is hosted within a research campus shared with the European Institute of Oncology and the Italian Institute of Technology.

IFOM is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment, based on mutual respect and the enhancement of diversity, offering equal job opportunities to all qualified candidates.

We are seeking a Technician in Flow Cytometry Facility to join our team.

The successful candidate will work in strict contact with research groups and other facilities, will operate both cell analyzers and cell sorters and will provide scientific and technical supervision and training to facility users.

The optimal candidate should have experience in flow cytometry techniques, including sample preparation, experiment and panel design and troubleshooting. Fluent English is required. Experience in high parameter FC data analysis is not mandatory but would be considered as a plus.

Candidate will be responsible for:

  • Operate and maintain instruments;
  • Optimize protocols and perform troubleshooting;
  • Perform data analysis and interpretation;
  • Train new users


  • 2-3 years of hands-on experience in FC techniques;
  • Basic knowledge of FC instruments and experience in troubleshooting and maintenance;
  • Basic knowledge of the most common FC analysis softwares (FlowJo, Kaluza, FCS Express);
  • Ability in sample preparation, sample staining, panel design;


Bachelor degree in Biology, Biotechnology or related fields.


Fluent English spoken and written;

Soft Skills

  • Learning attitudes; problem solving; good interpersonal skills; empathy;
  • Excellent teamwork abilities;
  • Good organization and communication skills;

What we offer

International work environment; Continuous training; Flextime; Relocation cost support; Guest house inside the Campus; Agreements with discounts for Gym, Pharmacy, Psychology service and various shops around Ifom area; Bar and canteen inside the campus & lunch benefit; Company Nursery;

Continuous support to candidates and their families (including homing, schooling, registration to the national health system, work permit etc.) thanks to the activities of the Welcome office;

Medical Service; Laptop; Caf service- tax declaration; Lab G: it is a lab specifically designed for pregnant or breastfeeding women researchers.

Type of Contract

Fixed-term contract, full time.


Milano - area Scalo di Porta Romana

Contact Details

If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit you CV and a letter of interest to: recruitment@ifom.eu



Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91 e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.


last update: 10/10/24
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ITA - (articolo 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679) La informiamo che i suoi dati saranno trattati da IFOM - Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare ETS per le sole finalità di selezione. La base giuridica del trattamento è, ai sensi dell’art. 6, par. 1, lett. b), l’esecuzione di misure precontrattuali su richiesta dell’interessato. I suoi dati potranno essere comunicati a terze parti localizzate anche in Paesi fuori dall’Unione Europea ai soli fini della valutazione e selezione delle candidature per la posizione a cui si sta candidando. In tal caso, IFOM ottiene le necessarie garanzie affinché il trasferimento dei Dati sia effettuato conformemente a quanto prescritto al Capo V del GDPR. curricula ricevuti saranno eliminati al termine dell’anno solare successivo a quello di ricezione; qualora lei fosse ancora interessato a proporci la sua candidatura dovrà necessariamente effettuare un nuovo invio Ai sensi degli artt. 15 e ss. del Regolamento UE 2016/679 per esercitare i suoi diritti può scrivere al Titolare dei dati: IFOM - Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare ETS, via Adamello 16, Milano, privacy-desk[@]ifom.eu. Infine, Le indichiamo che IFOM ha nominato un Responsabile della Protezione dei Dati (DPO) contattabile al seguente indirizzo dpo[@]ifom.eu.

ENG - (Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679) We inform you that the archiving and processing of data referring to you are carried out by IFOM - Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare ETS in order to perform the recruitment process. Pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) the legal basis for the processing is the necessity to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract. Your data shall be communicated to third parties that could be located in countries outside the European Union for the recruitment process. IFOM has obtained the necessary guarantees to transfer the Data in compliance with the provisions of Chapter V of the GDPR. The resumes received will be deleted at the end of the calendar year following the one of receipt; if you are still interested in proposing your application you will have to re-send. According to Article 15 et seq of the EU Regulation 2016/679 to exercise your rights you can write to the Data Controller: IFOM - Istituto Fondazione di Oncologia Molecolare ETS, via Adamello 16, Milano, privacy-desk[@]ifom.eu. Finally, we inform you that IFOM has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be contacted at dpo[@]ifom.eu.