In recent years, the concepts and tools of mathematics, physics, statistics and engineering have had a fundamental impact in biological research. Bioinformatics and in general the analysis of genomics data are largely based on statistics. Physical forces have finally been recognized as critical for shaping the behavior of cells. The ability of cells to read the environment and react accordingly via the expression of different classes of genes has been rationalized with the use of elegant mathematical models.
This pre-doctoral school will be an opportunity to experience research in an interdisciplinary environment. We propose to students near the end of their undergraduate studies to familiarize with some of the concepts of quantitative sciences widely used in biological research.
The school is designed especially for students who are considering pursuing a PhD in research areas at the interface between biology and quantitative sciences. Students interested in exploring such opportunities in PhD programs at IFOM are especially encouraged to apply. See more info
The school will have four different modules, and will last 2 weeks. Each module will comprise one full week, so that every student will be able to attend 2 of the 4 modules.
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The school will offer housing and some benefits to the students.
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Throughout the school the students will attend also seminars by other IFOM Principal Investigators.
Up to twenty students will be selected based on a competitive application. For the selected students, the school attendance and lodging expenses will be covered.
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For more information please send an e-mail to quantbio2019-team[@]